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(with apologies to Harper’s)

Number of financial awards made to students : 2,000
Number of dollars awarded to students : 20,300,000
Proportion of total funds spent for students : 61 percent
Number of dissertation grants awarded : 190
Number of dollars awarded as UCTC Fellowships : 11,600,000
Number of Masters Degrees awarded : 1,700
Number of PhD Degrees awarded : 266


Number of research proposals received : 520
Number of research projects funded : 225
Number of dollars spent on research projects : 15,000,000
Proportion of total funds spent for research : 45 percent
Number of research papers published so far by UCTC : 768
Number of research papers downloaded from the UCTC website : 735,483
Number of professors having research funded by UCTC : 115
Number of UC professors in transportation : 107


Number of issues of ACCESS magazine published so far : 30
Number of persons receiving last issue of ACCESS : 19,000
Number of issues of ACCESS downloaded from the website : 140,726
Number of conferences and seminars held : 120
Number of participants in them : 6,650